Test your gaming knowledge – The biggest news of 2022

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

What was going on in gaming in 2022? What news was there? What records have been broken? Test your knowledge of gaming news with our quiz.

Another year is passing us by at breakneck speed. It was just June and we had the “World Premiere!” counted during the trailer marathon at Summer Game Fest. But you hardly miss it, it’s already the end of December and the release of WoW Dragonflight is already a month ago.

2022 was a colorful year riddled with countless events:

With the abundance of news and information, it is sometimes difficult to keep track and even remember what was going on that year. That’s why we’ve created a quiz for you to check your knowledge.

How the quiz works: In the quiz tool below you will find 10 different questions about gaming events that all took place in 2022. Much has been said and reported about them. Some of the questions are directly related to the games themselves, while others are more related to the gaming industry as such.

How much of this news did you hear? What else do you remember about it? Test it in our quiz.

How did you like the questions? Did you know all the answers or did you have to guess at some questions? How many did you answer correctly?

Write us your result in the comments!
