Tesla’s frugal solution is a traffic hazard – according to the expert

Teslas frugal solution is a traffic hazard according to

On all Tesla models except the Model Y SUV, the blinker is now controlled with two touch buttons instead of a traditional lever.

This is now criticized by Jeanette Jedbäck Hindenburgheadmaster of the traffic teacher training course, in an interview with Carup.

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Tesla’s solution is a traffic hazard

The problem, according to Jedbäck Hindenburg, is that controls that aren’t where they usually are can lead to problems in a situation where the driver has to do something quickly.

Tesla has moved all controls from the levers to the steering wheel – Photo: Tesla

– When you need to act according to the spinal cord and something is not in the place you have learned, then there can be problems, big problems. That’s when there is a risk of collisions, says Jeanette Jedbäck Hindenburg to Carup.

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Controls should be standardized

Although development must move forward in the automotive world, Jeanette Jedbäck Hindenburg believes that certain controls and controls must be standardized.

As an example, she gives the button for the defroster on the Tesla cars, which many owners in Norway have had problems with.

– There have been around 100,000 incidents with the button for the defroster. When driving into a tunnel in winter, you need to be able to press this button immediately, otherwise you risk driving blind, says Jeanette Jedbäck Hindenburg.

Now the principal urges Tesla to rethink.

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Not just a Tesla problem

Tesla is not the first car manufacturer to move to remove the levers behind the steering wheel, and instead place them on the steering wheel itself.

Italian sports car brands Ferrari and Lamborghini have done the same, as the space behind the steering wheel became cramped due to the shift paddles also sitting there.

Ferrari switched to button turn signals early on – Photo: Ferrari

However, Tesla does not have that problem, but the likely explanation for switching to touch buttons is that they are cheaper to build than a traditional lever.

Tesla has long focused on making its manufacturing as efficient as possible, and therefore skimped on certain components.

Among other things, they have also removed the parking sensors and put their job on the cameras that the cars are still equipped with. The solution does not work very well.

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