Our long-awaited domestic electric car Togg and Elon Musk’s car brand Tesla will hit the roads in our country in the same period. A great competition will be waiting for us in 2023.
Tesla has always aimed to be the best since its first launch. Tesla, which has a large fan base in many countries, especially the USA, will go on sale in our country together with Togg. Both brands have areas where they see themselves as advantageous. While Tesla is considering taking advantage of brand power, Togg wants to get ahead of the competition by using locality and tax rate.
Tesla aims to launch in our country in the first quarter of 2023. Model 3 and Model Y Tesla, which wanted to take its place on the shelves with its vehicles, accelerated its work. It will also go on sale in March on Togg. These two brands will carry out their sales online. Tesla took a break from his investments in our country for a while, but in the past Tesla Vehicles Inc. He announced that he would increase investments by establishing a company named .
While Togg aims to produce 20 thousand vehicles in 2023, models on the Tesla side will come from abroad. Turkey, which imposes an additional 60 percent tax on vehicles from the USA, had problems with Tesla in 2018. In 2023, Tesla vehicles are expected to arrive from Shanghai and an additional 20 taxes will be imposed..
Model Y in European countries 60 thousand euros Sold as. This means approximately 1.1 million TL in daily exchange rate. Model Y, It will face 60 percent SCT and 18 percent VAT, so its price is 2 million 77 thousand TL on average. will be in the band. Model 3 in European countries 49 thousand euros Sold as. When this model enters the Turkish market 60 percent SCT, 20 percent additional customs tax and 18 percent VAT will be added. This corresponds to a selling price of approximately 2.2 million TL. A shipping fee will be added to these figures.

Tesla will build 13 charging stations in Ankara, Antalya, Aydın, Balikesir, Bursa, Edirne, Istanbul, Izmir and Konya.. Thanks to the Tesla Supercharger, which has a 150 kW or 250 kW high-speed charging feature, drivers will be able to travel 320 kilometers at 250 kW stations with a 15-minute charge. Togg in Trugo started to work to install 1000 high-performance chargers in more than 600 locations in 81 provinces with its brand. Thus, both big companies started preparations for the competition at full speed.
We are sure that we will see electric cars in many parts of our country by 2023. For now, people have a question mark about prices. Let’s see what 2023 will show us.
Latest Situation in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations!