Tesla Semi will be put into large-scale production by the end of 2025

Tesla Semi will be put into large scale production by the

electric truck Tesla Semi According to the official statement made by the company today, it will begin large-scale production only at the end of 2025. will be taken.

The electric truck, which was first introduced in 2017 and was said to be released in 2020 at the time, but after postponements, officially entered production in limited capacity in late 2022. Tesla Semi, According to the official statement made today It will be put into large-scale mass production by the end of 2025.. In this context, it was revealed that only 70 units of the giant electric vehicle, which will become much more accessible in 2026, were produced in October 2023 and the company gave most of them to PepsiCo. Large-scale series production will be carried out at the new site outside the Gigafactory Nevada plant.It is currently the vehicle that the company produces in the fewest numbers. To go over it technically, the giant vehicle is powered by three different, independent engines placed on the rear axle, and can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h when empty. in 5 seconds can come out. 0 to 100 km/h under load Can take off in 20 seconds electric truck model Tesla Semi, “Regen” Thanks to its system, it almost eliminates the need to press the brake pedal. of the model 480 km And 800km There are two different battery packs that will offer up to 1000m of range. full in three years 200 thousand dollars Said to save fuel electric truck Semi, It attracts the attention of many large companies.

