Tesla reduced range data called “exaggeration”

Tesla exceeded expectations with last quarter production and delivery data

The top name in the electric car market Teslahas been frequently brought to the agenda in recent months based on range data. had come.

TeslaAccording to the news today Model S, Model Y and Model X in the US have reduced range data compared to before. For example, on Tesla’s official site, there is now a link for Model Y’s Performance hardware. Showing an estimated range value of 285 miles, not 303 miles. Prepared for Model Y “Long Range” The version has been reduced from 330 to 310 miles. As far as it is reported, the Plaid version of the Model Tesla The range values ​​of the Model series electric vehicles produced and sold by It is allegedly inflated by the company. The company has received many complaints about this issue and therefore had to make some updates in the range values. According to many drivers, it does not fully keep its promises regarding range. The company, which is said to provide its own range data under overly optimal conditions that are far from being normally applicable, is, as we have heard before, based in the USA. It has even established a special team to reduce range complaints as much as possible.. The aim of this Las Vegas-based team, established in 2022, is to prevent people whose vehicle range is lower than the official data announced. complaint notifications And The aim was to reduce the demand for coming to official services as much as possible..


In their statement to Reuters, unnamed sources with knowledge of the subject said that this team was working weekly. He states that he dealt with around 2,000 cases.. Aiming to close as many cases as possible as quickly as possible, the team members, after a while, told the vehicle owners, without even performing a remote control.There is no problem with your vehicleIt is said that he started saying:

It is stated that the Las Vegas-based team that Tesla established to handle range-related complaints is not currently used, and the complaints are now handled by service consultants in Utah. Of course, this situation does not seem very acceptable.

For example, one customer speaking to Reuters talks about a big range difference. The driver may only need to fully charge his Model 3 in some scenarios. 241 km It says it’s about half the advertised range.

Tesla told this driver that the battery in his vehicle was healthy/problematic and It is reported that he tried to cancel the service visit. So what happened in the last stage? What we have learned in the past months as far as After numerous complaints about this issue, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) launched an official investigation.

Officially investigating the service notifications that are canceled because there are no technical problems in the vehicles and the software inflated range values ​​that cause this. “DOJ”, After these investigations, the company may be penalized. And It may impose strict rules on the transfer of range values.
