Tesla Plans to Produce 4 Million Units of Its New Vehicle

Tesla Plans to Produce 4 Million Units of Its New

According to industry sources with Chinese media, Tesla has announced that the upcoming cheaper from your electric vehicle to produce 4 million units per year plans. Supposedly electric vehicle, Model Y smaller and more affordable There will be a version. Elon Musk also A price tag of under $25,000 and announced that it aims for a range of at least 400 km.

Of the total 4 million, 2 million leave the Mexico, Monterrey facility, while each of the Gigafactories in Berlin, Germany and Shanghai, China 1 million units per year will put on the market.

A smaller version of the Model Y crossover won’t be of interest to US buyers, so Tesla probably like Europe will focus on overseas markets.

And Elon Musk by the end of this year Despite promising to take to the streets, analysts remain skeptical. While offering such features and a range of 400 km, it does not exceed the price tag. $25,000with current battery prices not an easy job. We won’t hold our breath, either, as we know Tesla’s track record on deadlines. But whenever mass production arrives, you can be sure that it will change the electric vehicle market forever.
