Tesla owners are ashamed of their cars

Tesla owners are ashamed of their cars

Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk has long been a polarizing person, which has been strengthened recently.

In the past year, Musk has begun to involve European politics, and campaigned for the German right -wing extremist party AfD.

In the United States, he has also recently received a top cheese in Donald Trump’s government.

So many Tesla owners are ashamed

In the Netherlands, the term “Teslaskam” has now been coined.

A new study from Eenvanda Day Looking at how Tesla owners look at their cars. The respondents come from the newspaper’s 26,000 people strong question panel, where 432 members own or leases a Tesla.

It turns out that 3 out of 10 Tesla owners are so much ashamed of their car that they want to get rid of the car, or have recently done so.

Some owners also state that the pleasure of driving Tesla is considerably less due to Elon Musk.

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Many are still proud

In return, 51 percent of Tesla drivers state that Elon Musk and his controversy have a limited impact on how they feel about their car.

40 percent are proud of their Tesla, and describes Musk as a visionary.

Worth pointing out is that the investigation was done before Musk made a gesture during Donald Trump’s installation ceremony, which had to endure a lot of criticism.

Swedes also suffer from “Teslaskam”

It is not only in the Netherlands that Elon Musk’s repeated controversy has stirred up emotions.

Even in Sweden, the general picture of Tesla has been adversely affected.

A Novus survey commissioned by TV4 has 47 percent of the Swedish public a negative attitude to Tesla, while 52 percent are positive or neutral.

Women and the elderly are most negative to the brand, while men as a whole are more positively set.

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Sold Tesla in protest

For the Tesla owner Sandro Wennberg From Värmdö the beaker finally ran over, reports Mitti.

-There are several things that affect, but the Heil greeting became the drop, he tells the newspaper.

Wennberg no longer wanted to drive a car that is so strongly associated with Elon Musk, and has just sold his car. And he is not alone.

The TV baker Sebastian Boudet has announced on Instagram that he is ashamed to go around in his Tesla, and has described Musk as a “Madman” in an interview with Svenska Dagbladet.

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