Tesla Model Y crashes into $3.5 million private jet plane

Tesla Model Y crashes into 35 million private jet plane

Today Tesla An interesting news was on the agenda. A Tesla Model Ya real $3.5 million private jet plane hit.

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Tesla car models have a remote control / motion system. This system, which is also included in other new generation cars, Allows removal from tight spaces where doors cannot be opened. This system, which is controlled via smartphone applications or smart switches, is generally very useful. This system is much more advanced in Tesla vehicles and can maneuver if necessary. However, the system still does not seem to be 100 percent secure. Because recently a Tesla Model YA $3.5 million private jet named Cirrus Vision crashed into the plane. This moment of impact, which you can see directly in the post below, shows that it was not a very severe blow, but it is still reported that the aircraft was damaged.

In this case, the number one culprit is, of course, the driver of the vehicle, who acts very carelessly. Because although this feature is automatic, it is manually controlled remotely and the driver, who is not in the vehicle, must stop the vehicle before the crash. However, the security system in the vehicle also has a fault. Sensors normally stop the vehicle before this crash need.


It also seems strange that the vehicle continues to move after the first impact, and it seems that there is a case of clearly not detecting a sensor in the process. Since the back of the plane is up for the process The vehicle may have thought it was empty. comments are made. There are cases where Tesla vehicles have crashed before due to sensor-based detection problem.

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