Tesla brand car owners started a hunger strike in America!

Tesla brand car owners started a hunger strike in America

American electric automotive giant Tesla front is in trouble with some car owners. Accordingly, a group of people complaining about their vehicles started a hunger strike.

Tesla, one of the most popular automakers in the world, is usually in front of us with good news, but sometimes it can come up with interesting news against the brand. The last of these came from the United States. A Norwegian group gathered their vehicles in a parking lot and wrote “help” meaning help. In this way, the group, which wanted to attract the attention of Elon Musk, started a hunger strike. The group that also established a website “Norway is the country with the most Teslas per capita in the world” He asked for help with his statements.


Tesla CEO Elon Musk reacts

After the event happened Elon Musk “IOn the advice of a good friend, I periodically fast and feel healthier” shared a tweet. It is not known whether he shared it for this event or not, Musk received a reaction.

The most important articles regarding the reasons for complaints were shared on the website established by vehicle owners. Here are those items;

1- Vehicles not starting in cold weather and door handles freezing
2- Some vehicles do not work in very hot weather
3- Intense squeaking sound
3- “Bubbles” in the seats
4- Looseness of the front seats
5- Filling the trunk lid with rain water
6- Autopilot sometimes not working properly
7- The car internet is slow and
8- Wipers not working well enough
9- Squeaking of some vehicles when passing bumps
10- Loosening of decorative moldings
11- Some lights not working properly
12- Automatic opening of doors in some cases
13- Failure of the computers in the vehicle
14- Windows not closing completely
15- Yellow lines appearing around the screens
16- System self reset problem
17- Interruption problems during charging
18- Rust problems on new vehicles (especially in Model 3)
19- Paint quality, some vehicles need to be repainted
20- Problems of new charging stations
21- Problems with the air conditioner
