Tesla announced that they will build a new factory in China

Tesla announced that they will build a new factory in

Giant manufacturer now officially in Turkey Tesla, establishes a new factory in China. This time the focus is “megapack” production.

Tesla is not just a company that produces electric cars. Most people don’t know, but the company has solar panels and battery systems for homes. The company is also megapack It also builds huge battery farms, which it calls itself, capable of supplying electricity to cities. Here is the company that took an important production step in this regard, Announced that they will establish a Megapack factory in China. The long-time automaker in China is on this side with its new Megapack factory. will significantly increase production capacity. About this, the company tweeted:Our next Megapack factory will be in Shanghai and will be able to produce 10,000 Megapacks per year” the description made. The CEO of the company, Elon Musk, said, “Tesla opens Megapack factory in Shanghai to support the production of the Megapack factory in California” said. So far, many Tesla Megapack projects have appeared. These huge battery systems, prepared for regions with energy problems, are actively used in many countries and bring great advantages.


One of these systems, which is used to support the electricity network especially in difficult times, was completed in England in the past months, and Harmony Energy Limited, the company behind the project, announced that they have put into use the largest battery system in Europe with a full 196 MWh. In case of need, this Tesla Megapack project is fully It is reported that it can provide enough electricity to power 300 thousand homes for 2 hours.. Stating that the project will provide a critical balancing service to the electricity grid in the country, Harmony Energy Limited states that the system will also make it possible to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy.

Meanwhile, other factories are coming from the company. held last month Tesla Investor Day in the scope of Gigafactory Mexico It was reported that his factory was definitely on the table. The factory, which is still not known exactly when it will be operational, is based on the newly developed platform as reported. used to manufacture vehicles. Tesla, which is in the planning stages for the factory to be built just outside of Monterrey in Nuevo León, is currently producing with factories based in the USA, China and Germany. Investor Day The giant manufacturer, which shared its future plans for more sustainable energy within the scope of Here we place “most affordable tool“, with its possible name, Model 2, is also frequently on the agenda.
