“Tes Eureilles”, “La Gore Montpernesse” … The crazy story of “good pronunciation” – L’Express

Tes Eureilles La Gore Montpernesse The crazy story of good

We are in the 16th century. In the highest spheres of society, nothing is more chic, concerning the figure three, than to say “hole” and no [troa]like today. Yes! It is that, at all times, the “good” pronunciation has been a matter of conventions. As proof, the great work Paris-Babel (1), that linguist Gilles Siouffi, professor at the Sorbonne, devoted to the history of languages ​​spoken in the capital. I drew most of the illustrations that follow:

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– From the 12th to the 17th century, a passionate quarrel opposed two camps about the good way to articulate certain words. Should we say a doleur or pain, doumage or sham, Thoumas or Thomas, Torner or Turn? The argument ignites “ouistes” and “non-open”, before we end up deciding, most often at the little bounheur luck …

– In the 16th century, among the aristocrats of the capital, the “A” tended to transform into “e”. We can thus hear “My Meri is in Péris” instead of “My husband is in Paris” while some “R” are back. “My mother” gives way to “my mothers”.

– While, at the end of the Middle Ages, “that” was always pronounced [k] (as in “four”), certain grammarians of the 16th century decide to modify the rule by imposing [kw]as in “Quartet”. But beware, only in front of the vowels “A” and “O” (otherwise, it would be too simple). Hence the current distinction between “distaff” and “aquatic”, and frequent hesitations in front of “almost” and “forty -year -old”.

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– In the 18th century, the nobility and the bourgeoisie rise in power. By reaction, the high nobility chooses language conservatism. The city says “this man-cy” and “this year-like”? The court prefers to them “this man-web” and “this year-old”. For what ? Because !

– Most often, the wealthy classes make fun of the way of talking about the people. This is particularly the case with a parodic academy founded in the 18th century entitled The “Société du Bout du Banc”. This creates works where “bad” uses abound. “I’m going to write to you at the end of that a song, it is you who give me capable in mind”.

– In the 1790s, a certain golden youth simply decided to… delete the letter “R”. Those who call themselves the “Incayables” and the “Meveilleuses” say “Supeme”, “Hoible”, “Paso”. An extreme way of standing out from the ordinary, which tended to clearly pronounce this consonant.

– But, curiously, it happened that the nobility chooses to imitate the language of the people, especially in the second half of the 18th century. It was then for her to mark her difference vis-à-vis the bourgeois, whose influence was growing before the Revolution. In his Paris table (1781), the poet and journalist Louis-Sébastien Mercier is sorry: “Women today allow them [les “mots proscrits”]and swear like men, especially at the court “. The example, it is true, had come from above since Louis XV himself was loved to have big words.

-At the beginning of the 19th century, some textbooks deemed the respect of the connection in “the day before yesterday”. “Say: The day before yesterday, without pronouncing the-t!”, Thus enacted Jean Claude Poison Desgranges in The small dictionary of the people for the use of the four fifths of France.

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– In the 20th century, in aristocratic families, it is fashionable to lengthen certain vowels: “We go to Tâââtable?”

-After the Second World War, perhaps under the influence of existentialists, the “O” are transformed into “EU”: “Les Eureilles”, “Le Beaujelais”, “La Meunnaie”. We also press the double consonants: “a summit”, “an addition” and even “the llettres”!

– At the same time, in popular Parisian circles, on the contrary, we tend to crush certain vowels (“B’soir m’sieus lady”) and to transform certain “a” o “or into” e “(” la gor montpernesse “)

Do not believe that these practices are reserved for the past. Even today, such conventions are used and sometimes turn to discrimination. In 2018, an editorial manager of France Television thus justified his refusal to initiate a journalist who would have a strong accent of Perpignan (I respect his diction): “Well, no, I am not going to take it, because we do not understand what it is said”. The “faulty” joints of a Catalan? Inadmissible. Those of a Parisian? No problem…

Finally, be aware that the progress of reading has also changed uses. Under the influence of writing, we have collectively started to pronounce “silent” letters which had been added in an etymological approach, but which we did not hear. This is how orally, “Psalm” replaced “Saum”, “When”, “Lorque” and “Baril”, “Bari”.

Incayable, but vai!

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(1) Paris-Babel, linguistic history of a world cityby Gilles Siouffi. South acts.

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To look

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