Terrorist attack kills several in W National Park in northern part of the country

the army neutralizes two wanted terrorists and deploys 3500 newly

Five Rangers and seven Beninese soldiers were reportedly killed in an attack on the night of July 24-25 in W National Park in the north of the country, according to the South African nature conservation NGO African Parks, which specializes in managing parks in Africa, including those in Benin. The circumstances of the attack near the Mekrou River have yet to be established. The exhibition “Voyage à Nantes” celebrates the tree “omnipresent in the city”

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With our correspondent in Cotonou, Jean-Luc Aplogan

The number of soldiers killed in this attack in the north of the country remains unclear. Benignin the W national park, on the night of July 24 to 25. A report which, for the moment, is the subject of contradictory figures. Some sources, before the publication of a press release by African Parksspoke of three dead and formally identified soldiers. But the toll given by the South African NGO is heavier. According to it, five of its Rangers and seven Beninese soldiers were killed by terrorists.

African Parks says it will identify the bodies of its Rangers killed. The NGO also promises its support to the families in ” this tragic period “.

The terrorists’ target was a communications site

According to our information, some soldiers survived the attack while others are missing. According to our investigations, the terrorists arrived on motorcycles and then targeted a communication tower guarded by soldiers and Rangers. This was apparently their target.

It is learned that the Chief of Staff of the Beninese army has ordered an immediate counterattack. His men proceeded to comb, track down and destroy the alleged bivouac of the terrorists, the camp suspected of having been the place from which the attack was launched. The search is continuing.

Also listen toIn northern Benin, populations worried about the return of jihadists [1/3]
