Terrible reaction of Russian troops to Ukraine’s victory in Eurovision

Terrible reaction of Russian troops to Ukraines victory in Eurovision

The advisor to the Mayor of the Ukrainian city of Mariúpol, Petro Andriushchenko, has denounced that Russia has dropped white phosphorous bombs on the Azovstal steelworks shortly after Ukraine’s victory was consummated at the Eurovision Song Contest.

“Hell has come to Earth. To Azovstal”, Andriushchenko said in a message from his Telegram account, accompanied by a video with images of artillery fire. The adviser to the Mariúpol Mayor’s Office has specified that Russian troops “used 9M22S incendiary shells with thermite coatings. The combustion temperature is about 2-2.5 thousand degrees Celsius. It is almost impossible to stop the burning”.

Petro Andriushchenko has highlighted that “It’s amazing how our defenders hold up. We are all irrevocably indebted to them.”in a message that has been picked up by the Ukrainian news portal Focus.

White phosphorus bombs are a incendiary projectile whose contents start to burn on contact with air. Its indiscriminate reach and brutal devastation make its use is prohibited in populated areas according to international law.

The adviser has published images of projectiles where they could be read inscriptions referring to the Kalush Orchestra, the group that has won the Eurovision contest representing Ukraine.

“This is how Russia reacts to our victory”has indicated the advisor accompanied by an image of a Russian bomb with the legend “Kalush, as you requested” next to the date of the eventthis Saturday, May 14, according to a translation from the DPA agency.

Kalush broadcasts a video of ‘Stefania’ in Ukraine at war

The group today released a video of the festival’s winning song, ‘Stefania’, recorded in different parts of her devastated country, including Buchain the kyiv region, which was the scene of alleged war crimes by Russia.

The video, posted on youtubepart of a woman in uniform, who travels through the ruined country carrying a girl who is looking for her motheramong burning cars, buildings destroyed by bombs, refugee reception points and trains trying to get them to safety.

EU hopes Ukraine can host Eurovision

The European Union (EU) has congratulated Ukraine for having won Eurovision and has expressed that trusts that the country can celebrate the festival next year “free and united”having overcome the invasion initiated by Russia.

“Congratulations! Hoping that next year Eurovision can be held in kyiv in a free and united Ukraine.”said the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, through his official Twitter profile.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has also congratulated, on the same social network, the group representing Ukraine at the festival, Kalush Orchestra. Von der Leyen has highlighted that his song “has won our hearts” and has highlighted that “We celebrate your victory throughout the world. The EU is with you”.

Zelensky says Ukraine will host Eurovision 2023

The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, already underlined at the end of the festival that “next year Ukraine will host” Eurovision 2023as befits the winning country.

“Our courage impresses the world, our music conquers Europe. Next year, Ukraine will host Eurovision for the third time in its history. And I think it will not be the last, ”said Zelenski after confirming the victory of his country.
