Terrible call from Kadyrov to Putin! ‘Threat them…’

Terrible call from Kadyrov to Putin Threat them…

Kadyrov, one of the closest supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin in his invasion of Ukraine, said that if Western powers provide mercenaries to Ukraine, Putin should threaten to use nuclear weapons. He also urged Putin not to give up on his goal of capturing Ukraine’s capital, Kiev.


Despite the withdrawal of Russian forces from the Ukrainian capital, Kadyrov claimed to have personally participated in the war with Chechen forces around Mariupol. In the last video of the 45-year-old leader, it was seen that he criticized the Russian President and various members of his inner circle and offered his opinion on what should happen next in this ongoing war.

Saying that Russia should threaten Western powers with nuclear warheads, Kadyrov said, “If it were me, I would clear Luhansk and Donetsk immediately and start working more. If any mercenary support comes to Ukraine, we will attack with nuclear weapons at certain points.”


Noting that the situation is not a joke, the Chechen leader said that the West and NATO are at war with them, and that the attacks will continue in many regions, especially in order to save Donetsk and Luhansk, and said, “This target was determined by our supreme commander, our beloved president Vladimir Putin.”


Saying that he has his own plan for how the conflict in Ukraine should go, Kadyrov also stated that the move away from Kiev was actually the result of a war strategy, the situation was misunderstood, they would take Kiev and all other cities and no step would be taken. “The gesture of goodwill was misunderstood by our enemies,” Kadyrov continued. said.


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Kadyrov also showed maps from his palace in Chechnya, allegedly showing his involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Putin’s spokesman also criticized Dmitry Peskov for failing to reveal the new rank of lieutenant general, which Kadyrov received from Putin in March this year.
