Teodorescu Måwe (KD): Europe is at risk of being destroyed by conflicts of values

According to Teodorescu Måwe, the conflicts of values ​​can be seen in, among other things, crime, oppression of honor and hatred of the Jewish minority.

– Europe is at risk of being destroyed by the conflicts of values ​​that politics has not wanted to work with.

EU elections 2024: The hearing

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  • According to the Christian Democrats, there are values ​​that allow you to use up your right to be in Sweden.

    – In Sweden, we have a strong norm regarding equality, individualism and that the law is above religion. Religion is a private matter.

    SVT’s political commentator, Elisabeth Marmorstein, believes that the party’s focus on European values ​​is about trying to attract voters who hesitate between the Christian Democrats and the Sweden Democrats.

    – They have not succeeded so well in the past, but they are trying once more, says Marmorstein.

    KD: Let the EU pay for return migration

    Christian Democrats’ party leader Ebba Busch has said in an attention-grabbing interview in Dagens Nyheter that she wants the EU to pay for return migration.

    – We will not force anyone to return. On the other hand, we need a discussion about which values ​​lead to a cohesive society and which values ​​lead to ethnic enclaves, says Alice Teodorescu Måwe.

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    Have you lost your right to be in Sweden if you have a very conservative view of women and, for example, control your daughter? Hear Alice Teodorescu Måwe’s answer. Photo: SVT
