tensions within the Employers’ Confederation

tensions within the Employers Confederation

This union of bosses’ bosses (CGP) of Gabon brings together all the big companies in the country. In a statement published Tuesday, May 3 in the press, several members of the employers announced their resignation. The powerful confederation seems undermined by internal quarrels.

With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma

The press release announces in particular the collective resignation of the bankers’ unions, tankers, buildings and public works, importers, car dealers, hoteliers and carriers. ” These unions (…) concerned cannot henceforth be associated with the activities (…) of the CPG (…) “, can we read in the text.

All the heavyweights left the ship adrift “Commented on condition of anonymity one of the bosses. The resigners, who say they do not want to create a second employers, accuse their president, Alain Bâ Oumar, of not having defended the companies. They also criticize him for his lack of leadership, and especially his arrogance.

Contacted, Alain Bâ Oumar, whose second term ends in August 2023, did not react. A key player in the Gabonese economy, the CPG contributes up to 80% of Gabon’s GDP.
