tensions before a conciliation meeting on the sports complex of Olembe

tensions before a conciliation meeting on the sports complex of

A conciliation meeting is announced for January 12, 2023 in Yaoundé between the parties in conflict in the case of the construction of the Olembe sports complex. On either side of the table are expected the Minister of Sports of Cameroon, the vice-president of Magil Construction and between the two, the Minister of State and Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic. A meeting against a backdrop of distrust between the protagonists when it comes to trying to save this sports infrastructure. Infrastructure whose work has been stopped for more than a year despite the fact that it has already swallowed up nearly 200 billion CFA francs.

With our correspondent in Yaoundé,Polycarp Essomba

The ping-pong game continues between the Magil company and the Minister of Sports of Cameroon (Minsep). While the two parties in conflict will try to find a point of conciliation today even during a meeting at the Presidency of the Republic, Narcisse Mouelle Kombi, Cameroonian Minister of Sports, yesterday drew another correspondence, addressed directly to the vice-president of Magil Construction, Franck Mathière.

In it, the Minister invites his partner to clarify his intentions with a view to resuming or not the construction work of the Olembe sports complex. Resumption that he conditions however by the presentation of the supporting documents of the 42 billion CFA francs that he maintains that the Cameroonian government has already paid to the manufacturer Magil.

The Canadian manufacturer denies having received any payment since July 2021

And that’s the whole problem: because the Canadian manufacturer denies en bloc having received the slightest payment since July 2021, that is to say for a year and a half. The same period for which the Cameroonian party claims to hold proof of the payment statements made for the benefit of Magil.

To (re) read ► Cameroon: the Magil company responds to accusations on the Olembe sports complex

Who is telling the truth in this story worth several tens of billions and who is telling false? If the money has been paid and Magil maintains that he hasn’t seen any trace of it, where is he? This is the whole issue of this conciliation meeting at the presidency of the Republic and which must decide the fate of this sports complex of Olembe which infuriates Cameroonians.
