Tensions are high between the two countries! They refused mediation.

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Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtan Lamamra said his country cannot tolerate mediation in severing ties with Morocco.

Speaking to Algerian television, Lamamra stated that mediation cannot be tolerated in severing relations with Morocco, regardless of which side the media outlets affiliate this idea with.

“There is no mediation yesterday, today or tomorrow, because Algeria’s stance is clear, the severing of diplomatic relations took place for strong reasons. All responsibility should be placed on the party that made relations so bad,” Lamamra said. he said.

Noting that his country has common interests and consensus with Saudi Arabia, Arab and other African countries, Lamamra added that this brought them together with their colleagues, negotiated, made agreements and focused on their interests and interests without interfering with such studies.


Algeria announced on August 24, 2021 that it had decided to cut off diplomatic contact with Morocco, whose relations had been tense for decades. This tension between Algeria and Morocco was reflected in the energy lines in the region.

Algeria blamed Morocco for the attack on October 1, 2021, which resulted in the death of 3 citizens carrying commercial goods to Mauritania by trucks.

The Western Sahara problem has been causing tensions in the relations between Morocco and Algeria since the past. Morocco accuses Algeria of supporting the separatist Polisario Front. It is known that Algeria does not support its neighbor Morocco’s steps in Western Sahara. (AA)
