Tension in the Middle East has reached its peak! Iran openly called out to the USA: It will not survive this fire

Tension in the Middle East has reached its peak Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Emir Abdullahian spoke at the emergency meeting on Gaza held at the UN General Assembly in New York, USA. Criticizing the support of the USA and some Western countries to Israel’s attacks on the Gaza Strip, Abdullahiyan said, “The decisions taken in the Security Council support Israel’s Gaza attacks and ignore the Palestinians’ legitimate defense rights against occupation by calling them terrorists. The Security Council was insufficient to ensure peace.” “The USA and some European countries watched the massacre of 7 thousand Palestinian civilians in Gaza in just 3 weeks. They also provide arms and financial support to this regime,” he said.


Emphasizing that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, Abdullahiyan warned the USA not to provide arms support to Israel. Abdullahiyan stated that the Tehran administration does not want war in the region, but Israeli attacks on Gaza should be stopped, and said, “I am calling out to the US administrators who support the genocide in Gaza. We do not want the war to expand and grow in the region, but if the genocide in Gaza continues, the US and Israel will be “He will not be able to escape the fire,” he said.



Emphasizing that the occupied Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against Israel, Abdullahiyan said that the Palestinians have the right to confirm their own destiny and establish a state with Jerusalem as its capital. Abdullahiyan said, “The Zionist regime was founded on occupation and deception. It is responsible for more than 20 wars in the region so far. It has even attempted to attack countries that are not neighboring itself. This regime has an occupying structure that does not comply with any international law. Hamas and other Palestinian resistance groups are occupiers.” “They have the right to defend themselves against the regime. It is just a funny and ridiculous situation for the Zionist regime to present itself as a victim,” he said.


Stating that Hamas is ready to exchange prisoners with Israel, Abdullahiyan said that Hamas is ready to release all Israeli civilians in the face of 6 thousand Palestinians held by Israel. Abdullahiyan said, “Hamas leaders informed us that they are ready to exchange prisoners with Israeli civilians. We are ready to take responsibility for ensuring peace and stability in the region. Iran is ready to contribute to the prisoner exchange together with Qatar and Turkey.”


Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that the ground operation against the blockaded and bombarded Gaza Strip will begin “when conditions are suitable.” According to Israeli Army Radio, speaking in the press release, Galllant stated that Israeli forces are preparing for the next steps in the war against Hamas and said, “The ground operation in Gaza will begin when the conditions are ready.” said.


Stating that they “launched a bombing attack of extraordinary intensity” 24 hours after the start of the war, the Israeli Minister said, “I am determined to make every effort to bring the kidnapped people (captives held by Hamas) back to their families.” he said. Gallant refused to answer a question about how the ground operation against Gaza would affect efforts to release Israeli prisoners held by Hamas.

While Israel’s intense aerial bombardment of Gaza continues for its 20th day, Israeli officials have been saying for days that the next stage will be a ground operation.

Israeli army sources and the Israeli press state that the operation, which was considered certain, was postponed for some reasons that were not officially disclosed.


Hamas’s armed wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, launched a comprehensive attack on Israel on the morning of October 7, called the “Aqsa Flood”. The Israeli army also started attacking the Gaza Strip with dozens of warplanes. It was reported that 1,400 Israelis, including 309 soldiers, died and 5,132 Israelis were injured in the attacks carried out from Gaza.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that Israel killed 7,028 people, including 2,913 children, 1,709 women and 397 elderly people, and injured 18,484 people in its attacks on Gaza.

It was stated that 105 Palestinians died in the attacks of Israeli forces and Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank.

25 journalists lost their lives in conflict zones, mostly due to Israeli bombardment.


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