tens of thousands of people demonstrate after the release of the four hostages

tens of thousands of people demonstrate after the release of

Moments of joy in Israel after the release of four hostages during a commando operation in the center of the Gaza Strip. The released hostages recount their conditions of detention. The families of the hostages still held in Gaza demand an immediate ceasefire agreement.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Michael Paul

A great day for all Israelis », proclaims the Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Lots of emotions Israel after the special forces operation which allowed the release of four hostages. But also a lot of questions for the future. Joseph is very hesitant:

The first reaction is to be happy. Four hostages have returned home! », proclaims Joseph. “ Second reaction, there is far too much left to Gaza. And so, it’s time for them to come back. I know they have to come back. I let the leaders decide how. »

Read alsoIsrael: army releases four hostages, alive, in Gaza

Mass protests

After this military success, Israelis participated en masse in Saturday evening protests across the country. For cartoonist Michel Kishka, the operation has the merit of boosting morale in Israel.

Me too, when I heard this news, it made me happy », explains Michel Kishka. “ We must not sink into euphoria and not forget why we have arrived at the Black Shabbat of October 7 and which still has a long way to go. And that’s not going to change anything that these people, who have been gathered here for months, feel and think. »

A truce agreement must be concluded »

For the families of the hostages, things are clear. There needs to be an immediate ceasefire: “ The only way to save lives and bring back all the hostages is through Israel’s commitment to end the war. A truce agreement must be concluded to save lives and bring them all back ! », wishes Merav Svirsky.

Itai, Merav’s brother, died in captivity in Gaza last January. Their parents were killed on October 7 in their kibbutz.
