Tenant was locked in his apartment after a fight at a nursing home

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

According to the municipality’s own investigation, one of the tenants had fallen out with another resident and started arguing. To deal with the emergency, the staff closed the door to the tenant’s apartment.

Got stressed

When the day staff arrived to change the night shift, it was discovered that the person was still trapped. The tenant is said to have been dejected and stressed after the incident.

The municipality’s investigation has shown that the night staff did not have sufficient introduction to handling situations where protective and limiting measures may occur.

Reviewed by IVO

According to the investigation, talks have been held with affected personnel, and all employees have also received a letter with instructions regarding protection and limitation measures.

The matter has been reported according to lex Sarah as a serious misconduct and it will be the Inspectorate for Care and Care that will now review the matter.
