Tenant receives three million kroner for moving

The money has been paid in connection with a settlement, after a long legal process between the tenant and the landlord. The tenant had been renting his apartment for a number of years from an intermediary company, which in turn rented the apartment from the landlord – with a large rent increase as a result.

The landlord was sued, and the Supreme Court ruled that it was all about a bulvan scheme and that the tenant had the right to pay a lower rent – on par with that which first-time tenants pay.

At the same time, a parallel, reverse, legal process was taking place – where the tenant was sued for non-payment of rent. After the verdict from the Supreme Court, the parties reached a settlement, where the tenant leaves the apartment in exchange for three million kroner from the host.

— That the landlord pays three million to release the tenant from the apartment is a record high compensation, says Bengt Öhman, lawyer at the Tenant’s Association, to the newspaper.
