Ten years after its theatrical release, the Kenyan film Nairobi Half Life was released on the American streaming platform Netflix. A victory for the team and the country’s cinema industry.
With our correspondent in Nairobi, Albane Thirouard
It’s a movie that all Kenyansor almost, know who has just entered netflix for his 10th birthday. And it was to a standing ovation from the public that the screening of the film ended with the film crew celebrating this anniversary in Nairobi.
Today, Nairobi Half Life always moves. The film tells the story of Mwas, a young Kenyan who arrives in the capital in the hope of becoming an actor, but ends up dividing his time between the boards and car thefts. The work also evokes different aspects of life in the Kenyan capital such as police violence, corruption, crime or the ambitions of youth.
It met with success as soon as it was released in Kenya. ” I remember when it first came out, the movie was trending on Twitter. The next day, theaters were sold out and the day after and the day after… The film remained in theaters for almost 7 months! », remembers Mugambu Nthiga, the actor who plays the role of Cédric.
“It was a victory for us! »
For many, Nairobi Half Life marked a turning point in the film industry in Kenya. The beginning of a great adventure that is just beginning for Serah Mwihaki, one of the screenwriters: ” The film encouraged more people to get into this medium. There are so many who have told me since I started in the cinema thanks to Nairobi Half Life. Young people now see this job as a professional career, which has made it more legitimate in Kenya”.
For Paul Ologa, actor who plays the role of Moses, “Nairobi Half Life has been an example of success in the eyes of the whole world “. “ The film helped shine a light on the talent we have in Kenya. This attracted other projects, such as the Sense 8 series on Netflix, directed by the Wachowski sisters, the creators of The Matrix, and which was partly filmed here. It was a win for us! »he rejoices.
“Much remains to be done”
Other Kenyan films have also made their debut on Netflix. A way to promote national stories across the globe. However, if the film served as a propellant for Kenyan cinema, certain brakes still limit the development of the cinema industry in the country, deplores director Tosh Gitonga.
There is still a lack of leadership from the whole creative scene in Kenya, much remains to be done. It is imperative that the government recognize the arts as a viable entity. We need their support, we need funding to make films and distribute them around the world. This lack of supervision, this lack of government policy, is a big problem for us.
Tosh Gitonga, director of Nairobi Half Life