Ten months in space – so the Nacksta killers could stay away from the police

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

When the Court of Appeal hearings on the fatal shooting in Nacksta in Sundsvall 2019 ended in January this year, the prosecutor demanded that the two men be detained pending sentencing.

But the Court of Appeal postponed the decision in the detention issue, and the two men were released for the time being. When the arrest warrant finally came, they had disappeared.

After ten months on the run, they were arrested in November, and this week they were charged with a number of aggravated robberies and thefts throughout the country – including the violent robbery against Ica on Alnö outside Sundsvall.

They categorically deny most of the allegations. One is extremely speechless in the first interrogations and basically answers only “no comment” to the questions.


But in the final interrogation, he says that during the first months after the trial in the Court of Appeal he stayed hidden abroad. “I came back this summer sometime”.

After that he has “received help from others” … “lived with friends, in different cottages, in hostels” in “Norrland and Jönköping”.

He admits that he was holding one of the robbery weapons, but on another occasion and only because “someone has shown”. He is not used to weapons, he assures.

The other man is heard for the first time through the closed door of the cell in the police detention center, “for security reasons” as it says in the minutes. The man does not want to participate, he kicks the cell door to indicate that he does not intend to listen.

But in the last interrogation, he admits that he has been in cottages on the High Coast, “slept, met people” but does not tell which ones. He acknowledges possession of a Walter pistol and two Glock pistols. They thought he would sell “and earn 12-15,000 on”.

“People got scared”

The time of flight became increasingly problematic. “In the north, people got scared and they did not want me with them … it has been difficult to find places to be.”

When asked where he got the money from while on the run, he answers:

“A little different business, as I always did. It’s a drug sometimes, it can be a weapon ”…” If there is an offer, I usually take it. That’s how I make my money. ”

How did you get the payments?

Cash. There is usually not much card payment in this industry. ”
