Temtem Money: How to Earn Money in Monster Fighting MMO?

Temtem Money How to Earn Money in Monster Fighting MMO

Perhaps the most effective way to raise money in Temtem is on the second Omninesia island. can be found and includes teaming up with Freetem. Just west of the Breeding Center, you’ll find FreeTem. FreeTemis valuable to you for every Temtem you release to the nature after you catch it. will pay Pansun is the coordinator.

The higher the rarity and level of the recently liberated creature, the more Freetem you will receive. pansun you will win. You can use this method to collect as many Pansuns as you need, as long as you have access to Temcards to catch new Temtems. It can be a little tedious, but it’s an easy and reliable way to raise money.

Making Money By Selling Items

While items from Temtem’s islands won’t respawn after being bought, selling them can be a good way to raise a pinch of money. Don’t forget to keep some for the things you’ll need to be successful. Take the unwanted items to one of Temtem’s many vendors to turn them into Pansun.

Making Money Fighting Trainers

Fighting other tamers is a great way to gain extra Pansun. The islands of Temtem are filled with NPC Tamers ready for you to challenge. Defeat them and you will be rewarded with Pansun. Be sure to refresh Temtem types to ensure victory.

You can also earn Pansun by fighting other players in PvP, but generally speaking, we recommend that you fight NPCs first, as defeating NPCs is much easier than other people.

Making Money with Wishing Well

Wishing Wells can be a good source of Pansun as well as providing more esoteric items. To take advantage of the Wishing Well rewards, you must toss a WishYouWell Coin into one of the game’s Wishing Wells. You can get these coins from certain weekly and daily missions. You can also find a pair of WishYouWell tokens in Onsenshima, but as with all items found in the world, you can only get them once. Alternatively, you can get more tokens from the postal service FreeTem.
