“Temporary restriction” update from Facebook due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict!

Temporary restriction update from Facebook due to the Israeli Palestinian conflict

“Temporary restriction” update from Facebook due to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict…

In the statement on Meta’s website, it was announced that an update was made on the social media platform Facebook, including “temporary restrictions on harmful and potentially harmful content”, in order to “protect people in the region from possible unwanted comments”.

In the statement, it was noted that with the update in question, those who create posts in the conflict zone will be able to restrict those who comment on their messages and allow only their “friends or followers” to comment.


Meta reported that this update aims to reduce the visibility of “offensive” comments on posts.

In the announcement, regarding Meta’s policies to protect individuals, “We apply these policies equally around the world, and the idea that we are deliberately suppressing voices has no basis in truth.” The statement was included.

On the other hand, Meta announced that “content praising” Hamas, which they determined as a “dangerous organization”, is not allowed to appear on their platforms. (AA)

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