Intended for civil service employees, the temporary disability allowance (AIT) makes it possible to compensate for the loss of income due to an inability to work. Conditions and amounts 2023.
Definition: what is the Temporary Invalidity Allowance (AIT)?
L’allocation temporary invalidity, or AIT, is a sum paid to a civil servant when the latter is temporarily in physical inability to work. She is allocated in lieu of salary. Its amount depends on the severity of the disease. It is paid for a period of 6 months. However, the request is renewable.
Who can benefit from AIT?
To benefit from this allowance, several conditions must be met:
- To be employee of the Public Service (Civil servant)
- To be affected by a disability reducing work capacity by at least 2/3 and preventing return to duty.
- No longer receive compensation
- No longer have the right sick leave or daily sickness benefits (coordination allowance).
- Not to be retired
First, you need to do a request for recognition of your state of disability from the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie of your place of work. The request must be made:
- either on the expiry date of your rights to paid sick leave (or daily sickness benefits),
- either on the date when your injury can no longer evolve and therefore becomes permanent, or when your state of health stabilizes.
Once your request has been made, the CPAM sends it, along with its opinion, to your employer who seizes the Reform Commission. This body, made up of doctors, is responsible for deciding on the determination and recognition of disability as well as the awarding of AIT.
The reform commission determines the nature of the disability and classifies the claimant in one of the following 3 groups:
- 1st group: disabled person capable of carrying out a remunerated activity
- 2nd group: absolutely incapable to practice any profession
- 3rd group: invalid absolutely incapable of practicing a profession and obliged to resort to the assistance of a third person to perform the ordinary acts of life
What is the amount of the AIT in 2023?
It depends on the group in which the applicant is classified. Thereby :
► If you belong to the 1st group: the AIT is equal to 30% of the last index salary, bonuses and allowances + 30% of the residence allowance + the full family salary supplement (SFT). The sum of these items cannot exceed €1,099.80 per month.
► If you belong to the 2nd group: the allowance is equal to 50% of the last index salary, bonuses and allowances + 50% of the residence allowance + the full family salary supplement (SFT). The sum of these elements cannot exceed €1,833 per month.
► If you belong to the 3rd group: The allowance is equal to the sum of the previous elements plus 40% (except in case of hospitalization). The sum of these elements cannot exceed €1,833 per month.
She is poured each month by your employer.
In which cases does the payment of the AIT stop?
It ends if you resume your duties, if you are laid off retirement for invalidity and if you have reached the minimum retirement age.
Source: Public Service website