temporary departure of the Sudanese ambassador, the country’s authorities deny any escalation

temporary departure of the Sudanese ambassador the countrys authorities deny

The Sudanese ambassador to Chad left Ndjamena a month ago. This is indicated in a letter sent by the Sudanese embassy to the Chadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs last month, but only received this Friday, June 28. Officially, it is not a recall, but a temporary departure for a simple mission in Sudan. If the Chadian authorities deny any escalation, General al-Burhan’s army regularly accuses Chad of supporting General Hemetti’s Rapid Support Forces (FSR) in the Sudanese civil war.

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The letter from the Sudanese embassy only reached the Chadian authorities on Friday June 28, according to a government source. The letter indicates that the ambassador of the Republic of Sudan to Chad has no longer been stationed in Ndjamena since May 28. The reason: Osman Mohamed Younis is carrying out an official mission in his country, without further details. In his absence, the embassy’s charge d’affaires takes over in the interim.

On the side of the Chadian authorities, a good source affirms that this departure is linked to an internal Sudanese problem and that there should be no escalation between the two countries. According to a diplomatic source cited by the Sudanese press, a detailed report on border security was officially submitted by Sudan to the Chadian government.

UAE accused of supporting FSR

The army of General al-Burhan suspects Ndjamena of being an ally of the United Arab Emirates, themselves accused of actively supporting General Hemetti’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Last March, Sudan nevertheless blocked humanitarian aid from Chad because, according to the army, ammunition intended for the FSR would transit there.

From June to September 2023, around a hundred cargo plane flights linked Abu Dhabi to eastern Chad. But Chad has always denied being involved in this conflict.

Read alsoWar in Sudan: Rapid Support Forces recruit fighters in the Central African Republic
