Telia’s mobile network was down – police and hospitals affected

A technical error in Telia’s mobile network during the night meant that calls could not be connected.
The problem affected the police, among others, when affected people did not come forward.
– If you have our company service, it was also affected, we regret that, says Irene Krohn, press officer at Telia.

The problems with the mobile network started around 02:00 and lasted for about an hour, something Aftonbladet was the first to report on.

– It was a technical error that we identified and have fixed, we regret the disruptions that occurred, says Irene Krohn, press officer at Telia and adds:

– It affected calls in our network, some went through, others didn’t.

Affected police and healthcare

The police state that the problem in the telephone network also affected them.

“We can only regret that people may have been affected by not having come to the police and thus not being able to get the help that it is incumbent on the police to provide,” writes the region’s duty officer in the South region on the police’s website.

For Aftonbladet, several people in the healthcare state that the error in the network created major problems and that an emergency message was sent out with alternative contact routes.

– It is devastating when the phones are down. If someone comes in who is acutely ill, we must be able to get hold of the doctors. They can be anywhere in the hospital. We had to switch to private phones that did not go through Telia, a nurse at a hospital in Stockholm told the newspaper.

Despite the fact that the mobile network was supposed to be down, Telia’s data services worked and they now regret that

– They have our company service and it affected our entire mobile network, but only some calls, not all. If you have our company service, it was also affected, we regret that, says Irene Krohn, press officer at Telia.
