Telephone canvassing: the numbers to know so you no longer have to answer

Telephone canvassing the numbers to know so you no longer

Picking up the phone and realizing that it’s yet another call to your operator or electricity supplier is always frustrating. Here are the numbers to identify, and as a bonus, the tip to no longer be systematically called back.

Like all French people, are you constantly receiving telephone calls for commercial prospecting? Generally, we tend to pick up our phone, in case the number that appears and which is unknown to us is important or comes from a professional contact. But after picking up, we immediately regret it and can’t wait to hang up. Some are rather courteous by responding kindly that they are not interested, while others, bored, cut the conversation short. Faced with the abuse of commercial prospecting, the government has decided, since 2023, to better regulate the days, times and frequency of unsolicited telephone calls.

Indeed, since March 1, 2023, telephone canvassing is only authorized from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. and consumers cannot be called more than four times in the month by the same person. professional. In addition, if you refuse during the conversation to be approached in this way, the caller will not be able to renew their call within 60 days from this refusal. “Violation of these rules is punishable by the administrative fine provided for in article L. 242-16 of the Consumer Code (75,000 euros fine for a natural person and 375,000 euros for a legal entity)” specifies the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty on its website.

Furthermore, be aware that cold calling platforms are now required to use specific telephone numbers. You will therefore no longer see numbers similar to those of your personal contacts such as 06 or 07 appear. Here is the list of telephone numbers dedicated to cold calling, in order to better identify them and no longer have to answer for nothing.

  • In mainland France: 0162, 0163, 0270, 0271, 0377, 0378, 0424, 0425, 0568, 0569, 0948, 0949
  • Guyana: 09476
  • Martinique: 09477 (for Martinique)
  • Guadeloupe, St-Martin, St-Barthélemy: 09475
  • Reunion, Mayotte: 09478, 09479

Another, more radical solution is available to you, if you are tired of being overly solicited. All you need to do is register for free on a site opposing telephone canvassing. The site allows you to enter up to 10 landline or mobile phone numbers. Once you appear on the list, professionals will be prohibited from calling you. Except “in the context of a current contract, when it concerns a call for the supply of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, during calls emanating from polling institutes or associations non-profit, as long as it is not a question of commercial prospecting”, explains the government website.
