This Monday, January 27, 2025, the deputies voted for the prohibition of telephone canvassing without prior consent of the consumer. A Felicité decision which will surely not be applied tomorrow.
Very late in the evening, the Assembly agreed to prohibit telephone canvassing without the prior consent of the consumer. Introduced at the end of November last November by the environmental member Delphine Batho, the bill has just taken a big step. The path leading to its application is still long, but the French are at least relieved.
A reversal of situation for demarchages
Invasive, canvassing is rarely a pleasure. On the other end of the line, products, promotional offers or services are offered, without even the consumer requested them. According to a study by the UFC-Que-Choose association, the French are, on average, disturbed four times a week by unwanted calls. “People can no longer,” deplores Delphine Batho to AFP“and it is through these demarchages that we find fraud, scams, and therefore it is important that it is prohibited”.
Because in addition to being deemed intrusive, the canvassing presents a risk of a substantial scam. The victims are not uncommon and the damage is sometimes considerable. This is why the assembly took care this Monday to vote for the ban on these often fraudulent calls.
The arrangement, introduced by Delphine Batho, offers“reverse the principle” telephone canvassing. This means that companies will have to obtain consumer consent before making any call. No more strange offers on the other end of the line: it will soon be illegal to call you without your green light.
When will the law be applied?
Unanimously approved by deputies of the National Assembly, the text on telephone demarchage seems to have made consensus despite the divisions. Thanks to this unanimity, Delphine Batho hopes for a quick journey for effective implementation. The Senate could soon be discussed on the bill.
“The objective is simple: to act quickly to prevent public funds from falling into the hands of fraudsters often difficult to find once the sums diverted”specifies the macronist Thomas Cazenave, the rapporteur of the text. Words that worry the seasters.
“”This measure diverts its object to introduce restrictions which are not limited to the diversion of public funds “defended the Federation of Direct Sale (FVD). The text on telephone demarchage, deemed “far too restrictive”would imply an economic disaster for companies, which would result in the loss of “Tens of thousands of jobs”. Can these remarks slow the implementation of the bill?
What is certain is that the Senate will play a decisive role. It is unknown for the moment when the text will be discussed on telephone demarchage, but if the senators validate it, a promulgation can be applied in the coming months.