Telemedicine: many challenges at the start of the year

Telemedicine many challenges at the start of the year

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Medaviza major player in telemedicine, gives us the major trends in e-health in 2022 and in the longer term.

Greater patient and practitioner confidence

On the bottom of health crisis and confinements, teleconsultations experienced a significant increase in volumeup to 521,000 the first week of June 2020. If the trend has weakened, it has above all made it possible to standardize this mode of medical follow-up by lifting certain brakes. Using teleconsultation often means being convinced from the first use! And according to a barometer published by the Digital Health Agency, France is one of the European countries most favorable to telemedicine with 73% of patients who wish to use this practice and consider it useful. 79% of users and 75% of doctors also say they are satisfied with this mode of consultation.

Better coordination of care in the territories

At the same time, the Territorial Professional Health Communities (CPTS), supported by the plan My Health 2022, have been developed around two key objectives: to improve the management of unscheduled care requests (without an appointment) in the city and to strengthen coordinated management between health actors intervening around the same patient. This is also Medaviz’s core business, thanks to teleconsultation, telecare, teleexpertise, addressing and availability management solutions deployed with 9,500 healthcare professionals in mainland France and overseas. .

Fluidification of the care pathway

By using the resources offered by telemedicine, it becomes possible for the CPTS to facilitate access to care for all, in particular for the 5.4 million French people with no attending physician. Among these patients, many find it difficult to orient themselves throughout their care pathway and may give up making an appointment, destabilized by the research to be carried out or the waiting times. By being deployed within the CPTS, telemedicine facilitates their access to care and fully plays its role in the fight against deserts medical. It also supports the exercise of health professionals, by limiting their travel. Finally, it allows unclog emergency servicesby being integrated into the care pathway for patients when their pathology does not require long-term immobilization in the healthcare facility and they can benefit from remote monitoring.

Savings in terms of time and budget: the example of teleconsultation

Since September 2018, teleconsultations have been open to all patients and reimbursed by Health Insurance as part of the care pathway. Reduction of costs related to travel, unnecessary transfers of patients, home care if necessary… the benefits are not lacking when this medical act completes the care offer of practitioners. It is also a question of freeing up time for health professionals, by avoiding certain journeys and ensuring a better balance between private and professional life.

Preparing for the future

Given the exponential number of software businesses and digital solutions serving e-health, interoperability between the different systems must be accelerated, to avoid any disruption in the patient care pathway due to scattered data and to optimize medical time. This is why Medaviz is working on the APIsation of its solutions to streamline coordination and access to care. 2022 will undoubtedly mark the continuation of the consolidation of the market, just like its concentration. In the longer term, firms and structures of various sizes should mesh the entire territory and benefit from the advantages of digital for a coordinated exercise. The law of July 24 goes in this direction with in particular the will to create a space digital health for each user.

Article produced in partnership with the Medaviz teams

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