Telegram’s founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, said on his channel today that the company raised $330 million in investment through the sale of bonds last week. Durov said that the offer was oversubscribed with advantageous conditions for the company. “This bond offering was oversubscribed and as participants we were delighted to have top quality global funds with an impeccable reputation. “The terms of the bonds were the most favorable for Telegram in the history of our company,” he said.

Telegram continues to receive investments
Although he did not name the institutions investing in the platform, he said that global financial institutions value the company’s growth. In an interview with the Financial Times last week, Durov said the company aims to be profitable next year. He also stated that Telegram is exploring the option of going public.
Sources familiar with the deal told TechCrunch the current yield on the bonds is 7.7 percent. The bonds mature in either 2026 or the date Telegram goes public. These bonds were increased from $78 to $91 in the previous issue.