Instant messaging giant Telegram is gaining groundbreaking features in voice and video calls with the 10.5.0 update released to enrich the experience of its users. As part of the update, the search interface is completely redesigned and aesthetic animations and dynamic backgrounds are added. The renewed interface offers better performance, especially on older devices, by saving battery life by using less resources.

Telegram redesigned its search interface
With the update, the new message deletion animation in the iOS application is also integrated into the Android platform. In this way, users will have a more visual experience when deleting messages. Additionally, the update includes exciting improvements for bots. Now bots will be able to react to user messages and send responses, making interaction with users more interesting.

With this update, Telegram aims to not only meet users’ expectations, but also appeal to a wider user base by improving application performance. Telegram, which constantly prioritizes users’ expectations, continues to take the communication experience to the next level with such innovations.