Telegram gained nice features with its new update

Telegram gained nice features with its new update

One of the most used instant messaging services in the world. Telegram brought useful features with its new update.

new Telegram The highlight of the update “Subjects in Groups” is happening. In this regard, the company itself transmitting: “Telegram groups, yable to support huge communities with hundreds of thousands of users. To make conversations in these groups easier to read Groups with over 200 members can now activate threads and can create separate fields for any topic.

Topics function as group-specific individual chats, supporting their own shared media and notification settings. Members of groups are free to chat on anything from Anime to Zoology, using all their favorite features like polls, pinned messages and bots.

This feature is designed specifically for large groups and adds new ways for large groups to personalize their conversations and encourage members’ discussion. Later this year, we hope to offer a different set of tools tailored to suit small groups. If you want to give the topics a test drive, try them in this general group.”


with update Premium users The “Voice-to-Text for Video Messages” feature is also coming. The company states the following in this regard: “Since the launch of Telegram Premium, subscribers have been able to convert any voice message to text for when reading is more convenient than listening. This update adds the same functionality to video messages, allowing Premium users to get instant text transcripts.”,

Redesigning night mode for iOS to make it better telegram, It’s making minor design improvements overall on both Android and iOS, and now has a single base username plus each of your accounts and public chats. You can assign multiple collectible usernames.

Telegram also adds the following note at the end of the update: “That’s all of today’s changes. Because it took Apple two weeks to review this update We apologize for not being able to celebrate Halloween on time this year.” The company goes directly to the details here. here It refers to the topic we have covered. Things are not going exactly as planned between Apple and Telegram.
