Telegram gained new features with the update

Telegram gained new features with the update

Telegram continues to get better with the improvements made. This time the focus is on endless Reactions, emotes and more.

Made on iOS and Android Telegram With the update, the focus was first on the “infinite reactions” side. In this regard, the company itself states the following: “Now all users, including those previously only available with Telegram Premium ? ? ? It can access dozens of reactions such as To accommodate all new expressions response panel by redesigning expandable we made it. Your favorite reactions will appear at the top.”

The company does not forget about paid subscribers. In this context now Telegram Premium users, forever number of custom expression their reactions from can choose. The company also states the following in this regard: Thousands now to make it easier to choose between expressions Up to 3 reactions per message They can add.”

The company also conveys the following about the prominent new features:

-Starting today Premium users can add an emoticon status displayed next to their name to let everyone quickly know how they’re feeling or what they’re doing. You can set one of 7 standard states that change their colors to match different Telegram themes, or choose from an endless array of custom emoticons. Popular recommendations for work, sleep, travel and more are displayed at the top.


– Users who log out and log back in frequently now email addresses, Sign in with Apple or Sign in with Google They can get access codes using

-All in Telegram usernames has its own links, which your public profile, your group or your channel makes it easy for you to share anywhere on the internet. Now a new unique link format (for those who want to highlight the name of each username (or have trouble finding the / key)) available.

-Prioritize Downloads on Android Actively downloaded media and files; It can be managed from the “Downloads” tab of the search section or by tapping the Downloads Android icon that appears in your chat list. You can now press and hold any item in the list to reorder them and change their priority by downloading the top file first.

-Added new fluid animations for opening, closing and media switching on Android. Android 13 or newer users; They can choose a thematic Telegram icon that automatically matches their phone’s dark mode settings and accent color.
