Telegram, one of the most used instant messaging services in the world, brought new features with the first update of 2025.
In the statement made for the last update, ““Today, we are releasing the first update of 2025, which includes collectible gifts that can be transferred or resent to other users, the ability to send reactions to in-chat events, filters for message search, an in-app QR code scanner, and much more.” The platform that summarizes additionally the following quoted: “The gifts you receive on Telegram can now be upgraded as collectibles. Collectible gifts have special properties and can be transferred to other users or auctioned on NFT markets. When you upgrade a gift, one new skin unlocks from dozens of special variations made by Telegram artists. Collectibles also receive a random set of secondary properties, such as background color, icon, and number. This means that each collectible gift is a unique work of art, and some will be rarer than others.”
Reactions for Service Messages: When someone sends you a gift, joins a group, or starts a video chat, a special service message appears in the conversation. These messages now support reactions. So you can thank or welcome new members with just two taps.
Message Search Filters: The search bar in your chat list lets you quickly find messages from any of your chats. Results in the Chats tab now let you narrow down the list with extra filters to only show results from private chats, group chats, or channels.
Third Party Verification: Telegram allows public figures and organizations to be verified, so users can quickly recognize official sources of information. To further increase transparency on Telegram, official third-party services can now assign additional verification tokens to user accounts and chats. This decentralized platform for additional verification will help prevent frauds and reduce misinformation with a unique proactive solution that sets a new security standard for social platforms.
Special Expression in Folder Names: Anyone can create customizable chat folders to help organize their chats. Folder names now support custom emoticons, allowing Premium users to make their folders more expressive or more minimalist by replacing the text with specific icons.
QR Code Scanner: The in-app camera on Android and iOS now recognizes QR codes by default and opens links in your preferred browser without leaving the app.”