Teenager takes on IT attack – 700,000 affected

Teenager takes on IT attack – 700000 affected
full screen700,000 people who have used UL’s app have had their personal data disclosed in an IT attack. Archive image. Photo: Oscar Olsson/TT

A teenager from Uppsala takes responsibility for the breach against Uppsala’s county traffic app, where last week he gained access to over 700,000 personal data, reports SVT Nyheter. Purchase history, email addresses and phone numbers were leaked via the UL app.

The teenager has been in contact with SVT and showed conversations with UL, shortly after the breach. There he writes that he can show how the breach took place and that he “can download and see all transactions from any user”.

– This is an intrusion. We don’t experience it as a help where we have to learn something – then we do it because we have closed a gap. It has happened in the past that people have contacted us about gaps, but here it is a person who has made an intrusion and extracted data – it is illegal, says UL’s marketing director Nikodemus Kyhlén.

The region has reported the breach to the police and the Privacy Authority.
