Teenager shot in the head – still sedated

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A teenage boy was shot in the head in an apartment in Nyköping on 29 November. Two 18-year-olds who were in the home, alerted SOS – and were then arrested on the spot on suspicion of attempted murder and aggravated weapons offences. A few days later, both men were arrested.

One man has, however, been released, the other has admitted serious weapons offenses and allowed continued detention.

The injured boy has been kept sedated in hospital since he was shot. Prosecutor Fredrik Beijar, who leads the investigation, tells the newspaper that the boy’s condition has not changed and that the situation is serious.

Before the boy was shot, the young men are said to have test-fired the weapon out of a window, which is why they are also suspected of causing danger to others.

There has previously been speculation as to whether it could have been a so-called dangerous shot.

“Perhaps it was not the intention to shoot him in this way.” But it is not a dangerous shot in the sense that he has dropped a weapon and it has gone off, says Fredrik Beijar, to SN.

The weapon in question has been sent for analysis at the National Forensic Center (NFC), from where answers may be delayed.

— Above all, we are waiting for a response from NFC. In addition to that, we will go through phone analysis and see if there are additional people who can be questioned. Then we’ll see if the plaintiff wakes up so we can hear him, says Beijar to the newspaper.
