Teenager is sentenced for murdering his younger sibling in Vällingby

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

It was on July 16 that the police were alerted to the incident and the teenager was arrested at the crime scene. The following day, the sibling, a child under 15, died.

The trial began on 25 November in Solna district court. The girl has undergone a forensic psychiatric examination and after that the court has found no reason to hand her over to forensic psychiatric care. She is therefore sentenced to closed youth care. According to the court documents, she has admitted to the act, but said she had no intention.

Previous report of concern

According to the verdict, there must also be a history of conflicts between the girl and the now-deceased sibling, as well as the guardian. The police have previously been called to the residence and reports of concern have led to investigations by the Social Services. In these it appears that the girl had previously behaved violently towards her sibling.

The prosecutor has also highlighted that social workers expressed “great concern” about the situation of the now deceased sibling, due to the “violence and verbal abuse” he was subjected to by the girl.

The girl is also ordered to pay damages of SEK 130,000 to the guardian.

This is what the prosecutor told SVT after the teenager was arrested in August.

The text is updated.
