Teenager disappeared from his home in the USA – found after four years

Alicia Navarro disappeared from her home in Glendale, Arizona, four years ago. This week, police were able to announce that she was found alive in a town in Montana, about 60 miles from the Canadian border.
– For everyone who has missing loved ones, I want you to use this case as an example. Miracles do exist, says her mother Jessica Nunez
in a video posted on Facebook.

It was early in the morning of September 15, 2019 that Alicia Navarro, then 14 years old, left her home while her parents were still sleeping. Left behind, she left a handwritten note that read “I ran away.” I’ll be back, I promise. I’m sorry”.

Extensive search efforts were launched to find the girl, and over the years, Glendale police have received thousands of tips about her disappearance. But it wasn’t until this week that it was announced that she had been found alive, reports CBS News.

According to the police, the now 18-year-old Alicia Navarro herself went into a police station in Montana and identified herself. During a press conference in connection with the announcement, Jose Santiago, the police spokesperson, said that she “is apparently healthy”, and that they are now investigating what happened after she left the home.

Concern that she was lured away from home

Alicia Navarro’s mother has previously expressed concern that her daughter, diagnosed with high-functioning autism, was lured away by someone she talked to online. The police also state that the case is far from over.

– I ask for patience, not only for us as law enforcement in this investigation, but also for Alicia and her family. We can only imagine what she is going through mentally and emotionally as well as her family. And as much as we want to be able to say that this is the end, it’s likely just the beginning of where this investigation is going to lead,” Scott Waite of the Glendale Police Department said during a press conference.

Continuing to investigate whereabouts

According to the police, among other things, together with federal partners, they continue to investigate the whereabouts of Alicia Navarros during the past four years. They do not yet want to state exactly where she was, and whether she was in the company of someone else.

For her mother Jessica Nunez, the most important thing is that her daughter was found alive.

– I have no details, the important thing is that she is alive, she says in the video clip.
