Teenager charged with attempted murder in Uppsala

Teenager charged with attempted murder in Uppsala
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full-screen DNA traces show that the man held the weapon, according to the indictment. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

The 17-year-old boy is suspected of trying to lure the intended targets out of the home in Stenhagen in Uppsala.

According to the indictment, he was prepared with a silenced pistol, local media reports.

The teenager allegedly tried to trick the three people living at the address by calling and throwing stones at the house.

“I have a gunman outside my window,” says the person who raised the alarm on the night of September 13.

Shortly after the call to SOS Alarm, the 17-year-old was arrested without any shots being fired.

Now he is charged with attempted murder and aggravated weapons offences, Upsala Nya Tidning writes.

According to SVT Uppsala, a relative of the gang leader Rawa Majid is registered at the address and the police’s investigation shows that the suspected crime is connected to the wave of violence in Uppsala and Stockholm.

A 19-year-old is suspected of having been involved in the murder plans and, according to the investigation, drove the 17-year-old to the home in Stenhagen. He is charged with aiding and abetting attempted murder.

According to the police investigation, the teenagers, who are from Malmö, received the murder assignment via Snapchat from an unknown client.

Both deny wrongdoing.
