Teen Wolf creators are working on new werewolf series starring Sarah Michelle Gellar and there’s even a trailer

Sarah Michelle Gellar Als Buffy Summers In Buffy Im Bann Der Daemonen.jpg

Werewolf season has begun. Teen Wolf creator Jeff Davis is continuing his iconic series with Teen Wolf: The Movie. But he still has a big return in store. Featuring the Werewolf Story Wolf Pack Buffy star Sarah Michelle Gellar will return in a fantasy series. A first teaser has already appeared.

Check out the first Wolf Pack teaser in English here:

Wolf Pack – S01 Teaser Trailer (English) HD

Teen Wolf creators base Buffy Star on fantasy creatures

The series revolves around four teenagers who meet shortly after a forest fire in California. They all became bitten by a werewolf who is now wreaking havoc in Los Angeles. As they adjust to their new lives, fire investigator Kristin (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is hot on their trail. There is apparently a connection between the creature and the fire.

The followers of several franchises should be able to enjoy Wolf Pack. Teen Wolf fans will be excited for Jeff Davis’ new series. And all Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans are excited about Gellar’s comeback in a fantasy series after 19 years about monsters with long teeth.

When is Wolf Pack coming to Germany?

Wolf Pack is scheduled to January 26, 2023 come to Paramount+. The streaming service from the production company Paramount will start on December 8, 2022 in Germany.

The 20 best series debuts of December on Netflix, Disney+ and more

Need more fresh streaming tips? The most exciting series that you can stream in December on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and more can be found here in the monthly preview:

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