Teen photography contest underway in Sarnia-Lambton

Teen photography contest underway in Sarnia Lambton

Aspiring Lambton County photographers aged 13 to 18 are being invited to showcase their promising pictorial talents during a photo contest with the potential to see their work on display at an exhibition at the Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery this fall.

Lambton County Library and the gallery have again teamed up to be host to this year’s Take Your Shot: Teen Photo Contest.

The contest’s purpose is to encourage nascent local photographers while providing them with resources to improve their skills, said Vanitia Campbell, Lambton County public services co-ordinator of youth programs and outreach.

“We want to provide an opportunity for those who are interested in photography, for those who maybe have already started down the path of pursuing photography or for those who have an interest in photography and might think to themselves ‘I’d like to try that ‘,” said Campbell. “The hope is to provide a creative outlet but also something that can help them build up a portfolio or a resume. So inclusion in an art gallery exhibit, for instance, is something that somebody could put in their portfolio.”
She added: “We also just want to celebrate youth talent in Lambton County. We don’t always put that kind of focus on our teens, so it’s nice to take the opportunity to let them know that they’re really talented and that they have a lot to contribute to the community through their art.”

Running from May 1 to July 10, participants will get the opportunity to learn from the best, Campbell said. On May 3, one of Canada’s most decorated photojournalists, Larry Towell, spoke to students during a workshop on photography.

Another photography seminar is set to take place at Sarnia Public Library on May 17 from 6:30 to 7:15 pm, with a representative from the Sarnia Photographic Club hosting a workshop specifically aimed at youth. Further resources – including numerous online courses – are available for free via the library’s website at https://www.lclibrary.ca/en/learn/online-courses.aspx.

The theme for this year’s contest is Feels Like Home, and participants are being encouraged to take photos of people, pets, places and things that remind them of their home, Campbell said.

“We’re just looking for participants to take pictures of things that they love, that they like about their home, that remind them of home. And it could be anything – the theme is a very subjective, general theme in a sense, because what feels like home to me may not feel like home to someone else,” Campbell continued.

“So it could be a picture of their neighbourhood, a park they played in growing up, an old rocking chair that reminds them of a grandparent, food – we’ve provided an opportunity on the submission form for participants to write a small explanation about how their photo captures the theme, because not everyone has the same understanding of what ‘home’ means.”

Winners will be chosen from three categories (People/Pets, Places and Things) and a grand prize winner will also be selected by a jury comprised of photographers Natali Bravo, Richard Beland and JNAAG curator/supervisor Sonya Blazek.

The grand prize winner will receive the option of choosing a $100 gift for Mainframe in Sarnia, $100 gift for Carmen’s Foto Source or a virtual one hour one-on-one session with award-winning photographer Peter Power.

All the winners along with a selection of other submissions will be featured in an exhibition at the Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery from Aug.12 to Oct. 8, which will also feature photographs by Towell.

“This year is the first year we’ve dedicated an entire gallery space (for the contest),” Campbell said. “In the past they’ve been at the art gallery, but they’ve been in the hallway on the way to a gallery – this year we’re having a full exhibit of the art, including a few of Larry Towell’s photos as well . It’s not just being in an art gallery, but these students will be the focus of an entire exhibit space.”

For more information, contest rules or instructions on how to submit your photo for Take Your Shot: Teen Photo Contest, visit llibrary.ca/teenphotocontest.
Winners will be announced July 18.
