Tears and chaos in Bonde looking for a wife in 2023 – two girls leave Jen’s farm

It was during this week’s episode of Farmer seeks a wife that many viewers put coffee down their throats when not only one but two girls removed themselves from Jens Lundin’s courtyard. One, Ida, will not come back and the other, Alexandra, wanted to take into a hotel to think.

During the course of the season, Jens has had very good fluency on the love front and has been courted from all sides and corners. But during this week’s episode, headwinds hit.

– But how does this feel now?, asked Linda Lindorff.

– It feels scary that Ida wants to leave. But yes, if you feel that it is more on a friend level, then there is not much to do about it, he replied.

Alexandra, who clicked very well with Jens but who had a couple of emotional storms during the recording, then said closely that she felt she felt the need to get away from the farm and all the cameras and then check into a hotel to think.

Farmer seeks wife in 2023. Image source: TV4

The whole thing made Jens start to cry and then Alexandra to start crying too.

– God, now I’m sad because you’re sad, she said then.

– I really like Alexandra, Jens said in sync.

– Yes, it can happen when a lot happens in a very short time and you may not have time to feel it, said Linda Lindorff.

“Maybe you’re meant to be alone,” Jens said. Image source: TV4

– It feels terrible that she doesn’t want to sleep at home tonight. I really believed there that we could have a future… and now it feels like she will never want to come back. Maybe I’m meant to be alone, Jens said.

Now he faces strong support in the comment fields on social media.
