Tearful farewell in Biggest Loser – “Heartbreaking”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

In this week’s Biggest Loser it will be Hampus Säberg who falls under the red line and becomes the one who will have to leave. Despite the fact that he trained hard, ate well and slept well, the scale shows that he has lost the least weight, percentage-wise.

— Is it a joke, or? I don’t understand what it is that I have done so wrong, compared to everyone else. I’m disappointed in my body, because I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I’m a little surprised, because it has felt very good, says Hampus.

Malin: Are you disappointed?
— Yes, but I am. I’m not ready to go home.
It becomes very emotional and several of the participants shed tears and hug Hampus.
– It is so heartbreaking to see him sad, says Anna Dellmyr.
— The hardest thing was when Hampus himself showed himself to be sad, because he is not the one who usually shows his emotions that much. That’s when it broke for me too, says Philip Sehlstedt.

Hampus will be missed
Hampus will be missed by the friends at the castle.
– It will be noticed at the castle that Hampus has left because it will be much more boring, says Moa Isaksson.
“It’s heavy,” says Filip. We’ve been together since the beginning, lived together and talked about everything. It’s hard that he’s going home.

Watch the emotional farewell in the player above
