The leading Twitch streamers for League of Legends in Germany, NoWay, Agurin, Karni and Tolkin play in one team (NNO). But after trouble with the German league, the Prime League, they are now openly toying with the idea of leaving the league. There is too much bad blood between the Twitch streamers and the German LoL league.
This is NNO’s situation:
The influencer team NNO was surprisingly promoted from the 2nd league to the 1st league in 2022. However, they didn’t compete in the first league themselves, but instead hired LoL professionals to play for them. The team competed as NNO Prime.
But this experiment will be over in 2024: the NNO Prime team is too expensive and will be disbanded. The streamers want to play themselves again.
But they are now toying with the idea of no longer competing in the German Prime League and instead moving to another European league.
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Dispute with the Prime League escalates after decision against team NNO
Why don’t you want to play in the Prime League anymore? As the streamer NoWay explained in a Twitch stream, there was always friction with the Prime League (via YouTube).
The final straw was the Prime League’s decision to cancel an ongoing game between NNO and the Unicorns of Love last Saturday after a sound bug occurred at Champ Sion.
The decision caused a lot of incomprehension and criticism among Twitch streamers and their community.
NNO is apparently drawn to the island
Where do you want to go? NoWay keeps this a secret. He says: He knows that another European league is leaning heavily towards “influencer teams” and it would make sense for him to move there.
If you read between the lines of his statements, a move to the English-speaking league, NCL, or perhaps to the Spanish league, LVP Superliga, is obvious. NoWay rules out a move to the French league, LFL, which is considered the strongest regional league. Firstly, you won’t get a spot there, secondly, you’ll definitely be last there.
However, it is not really certain that NNO will leave the Prime League, as NoWay explains. But he really likes the idea. We have a lot to thank the Prime League for and are certainly doing a lot of things right, but perhaps it is time for a separation after repeated friction.
Apparently they want to at least examine the possibility of leaving the Prime League and joining another league.
English streamers are planning their own version of NNO
Why England? There are rumors that some of the most important English-speaking influencers are planning to set up their own team in England. That would be Twitch streamers like Caedrel, Baus and Nemesis (via YouTube).
The currently world’s leading LoL streamer, Caedrel, played with the idea a few months ago – and now it actually seems to be serious. In any case, it was so serious that the idea also reached NoWay.
This is what lies behind it: The Prime League is in a difficult situation, which is not necessarily the fault of the league. E-sports have been in crisis since 2022. People are talking about the e-sports winter.
From a sporting perspective, the league is apparently not worthwhile for the participating teams because the income generated is too low to finance a professional team.
LoL teams that rely on content creation and entertainment dominate the attention of fans and therefore also sponsors.
One reads again and again on social media: Nobody is interested in the Prime League, only in the two driving forces: the team from HandOfBlood, Eintracht Spandau, which regularly sets off fireworks on social media, and the streamer team NNO. The NNO team with Germany’s leading streamers managed to trigger such a crazy hype in 2022 that the 2nd league had significantly more viewers than the 1st league.
If you lose the team now and the top streamers no longer cover the Prime League, but perhaps shift the focus to Spain or England, that would be a difficult situation for the German LoL scene: LoL: 100,000 see how 5 German Twitch -Streamers are working on their e-sports miracle