Team becomes champions, but the players are in for a nasty surprise

In gaming, everyone around the world is currently talking about the e-sports winter: e-sports looked like the next big thing in 2016. Analysts compared it to the hype surrounding poker. Investors poured millions of US dollars into teams, leagues and stadiums. But now the crisis has broken out, and the professionals at Valorant are also noticing it.

This is the bitter news about Valorant:

  • The “Evil Geniuses” team won the Riot Games tactical shooter championship in 2023: Valorant is currently considered a hot e-sports title.
  • But the team led by the Americans Boostio and ScrewFace experienced a rude awakening just a few weeks after the championship celebration: the organization put the gun to the players’ chests.
  • The master’s players have a choice: either they look for a new team straight away or they can stay with Evil Geniuses, but will be paid significantly less. An insider reported this on September 11th.
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    This is the report: Two weeks ago, the head of Evil Geniuses announced her resignation after a year of controversy. Things didn’t go well for the team in CS:GO and LoL, but they became champions in Valorant.

    But the problems became apparent on September 6th: the team let four substitute players go.

    On September 11th, Dotesports reported: The regular players were told that they could now leave the team and look for a new team or continue playing at Evil Geniuses for less money.

    When it came to the news, the portal referred to Max Katz, a Valorant reporter with good contacts. Nobody doubts the authenticity of this report. Especially since the players also expressed themselves on social media in such a way that the report gained additional meaning and credibility.

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    The players were expressive on social media.

    The players posted: It used to be worth striving for. The victory still counted for something.

    Another player simply wrote “Nothing makes sense anymore.”

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    Are they that expensive? No, apparently not. As Dotesports reports, the champions’ players are relatively cheap: According to reports, the “regular players” earn around $25,000 a month and the replacement players earn $4,500.

    With coaches you would have an annual budget of around $1.5 million. That’s money, but still relatively cheap compared to the budgets of comparable teams, reports Dotesports.

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    Why is that? E-sports worldwide and especially in the USA is in crisis. People are talking about the e-sports winter: e-sports have not developed as much as one had hoped in recent years, income opportunities are shrinking and teams are either going bankrupt or reducing their budgets:

  • You can see this in Fortnite, for example, who never did anything comparable after the big World Cup in 2019. When the prize money there dried up, many professionals switched to Valorant, where things are now looking bleak.
  • The expensive Overwatch League also seems to be becoming a huge problem for Blizzard.
  • Even LoL obviously has problems in some regions, especially in the USA, especially in the second division.
  • The change in trend can be seen particularly clearly in the fall of the shares of the decidedly cool e-sports organization FaZe: the IPO is increasingly proving to be a tragedy.
  • You only hear little negative things about the two Valve Esports titles CS:GO and DOTA 2.

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    E-sports investor and YouTuber Ludwig says: If you play on the best team in the world and even that doesn’t provide job security, what hope is there in e-sports?

    There was already a message at Valorant that sounded as if the future of e-sports was at risk. It was about the players from “The Guard”: The players had achieved promotion in terms of sport, but the team apparently didn’t want to be promoted:

    E-athletes are about to have a great career in Valorant: read on Twitter that all their efforts were in vain
