Teakwondo for the elderly in Trondheim was a success

Twice a week Kirsti Stamnes attends Taekwondo lessons at the Trondheim Taekwondo club in Norway. The club feels that the training had a positive impact on the elderly, who, among other things, make new friends during the training.

– We could never have imagined that this would increase to 71 participants with an average age of 73, says the club’s director Gunnar Rugsveen.

In addition, the training means that more elderly people stay in their homes longer instead of moving into nursing homes, according to the municipality.

– You gain strength, balance, memory. You train the whole body, making it possible for people to stay at home for longer. It’s an ingenious way to save money, says Hildegunn Sletvold, head of department Trondheim Municipality.

Join a training session, where Kirsti Stamnes performs a Chong-ji, in the clip.
