Teachers serving in small islands, 2023 allowance arriving: Anief rejoices

Higher Council of Public Education on April 10th President Marcello

(Finance) – It finally arrives the expected bonus for teachers who carry out service in small and must therefore operate in difficult territorial contexts. He underlines it Anief explaining chand the unblocking of ministerial decree no. was decisive. 213 of 13 November, which attributes disadvantaged location allowances to schools and 3 thousand temporary and tenured teachers for the service actually provided in 2023: in fact, the decree specifies that it “defines the distribution of financial resources among the educational institutions that have schools in the small islands, allocated pursuant to article 1, paragraph 770, of law 30 December 2021, n. 234, for the financial year 2023, equal to 3 million euros, for the purposes of attributing the disadvantaged location allowance”, as well as “the criteria for the attribution of the disadvantaged location allowance to each teacher hired on a fixed-term or permanent basis and assigned to a school located on a small island”.

At this point – continues the note – we are only waiting for the issue of the single payslip for the attribution of the sums to the schools and to be able to proceed with the payment of the envisaged allowances, keeping in mind that “the total compensation due is paid in proportion to the days actually provided” by the teacher who operates the service in the small islands. “It is on average one thousand euros gross per teacher – he explains Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief, who announced the release of the allowance during the last union meeting of the year held today in Lampedusa – and we can proudly say that the administration’s decision came above all thanks to the eight meetings that Anief organized in the small islands between last September and October, as well as the many warnings sent to the relevant offices”.

The young union – concludes the note – makes the warning available to the teaching staff of the small islands to also unblock the 2024 decree and requests the opening of the discussion for 2025, also in light of article 74 of the renewed national collective agreement which puts resources back into each school’s MOF. To this end, Anief has the appeal to recover the sums attributed to schools has also been activated (DM 67 15 March 2022) but not yet received for 2022.
